Computer Science (Honors Program)
1. About knowledge:
Graduates and bachelors of Computer Science Programme are equipped with systematic and modern knowledge, suitable for advanced training programs in the world, including:
General knowledge of mathematics, sciences, social sciences and humanities, foreign languages; Basic knowledge in computer science such as foundations of mathematics in computer science, programming, data structures and algorithms… For in-depth knowledge, the main focus is on intensive training in the field of “System development”, “E-commerce”, “Computer networks”, “Intelligent systems” and “Human-machine interaction”. In addition, students are also equipped with other general knowledge in IT such as: Software engineering, databases, computer networks, computer architecture through a wide variety of courses.
2. About capability:
Having good expertise and creative ability to keep pace with the rapid development of technology and master them; have the capability of using English to communicate with foreign colleagues on professional and common social issues, thereby being able to work at large international technology corporations that are having large investments in Vietnam such as IBM, Samsung, Nokia, LG and Japanese enterprises… and at foreign branches of large domestic companies and corporations such as FPT, Viettel…
3. About attitude:
Graduates have: Good political qualities; disciplined organizing skill, scientific and serious working style, professional ethics in the field of information security and copyright; teamwork skill, disciplined attitude and good communication skills.
More details of the aforementioned curriculum at 68.qđ_CTĐT ngành Khoa học Máy tính CLCTT23
More details of the curriculum applied for enrollment from 2019 and after: QĐ1526 KHMT CLC 23